Yoga Roots

Local Website Redesign



2022 - 4 weeks
(80 hours)



UX Designer
UX Researcher
UI Designer

Paper & Pen

01. INtroduction

Yoga Roots is an international yoga studio in Malmö, Sweden for people of all backgrounds. They offer various classes from Vinyasa yoga, Yin yoga, Ariel yoga, and even mama and baby yoga.


They have not invested time or energy into their website as their beginning success was due to word of mouth. Now that they expanded to a larger studio and the spaces are available they need newbies to join! Therefore, how might we create a new website which highlights their two-week tryout card and increases new users?


A redesigned website which allows users to browse classes and book all within the website.



My Design Process

02. Empathize

We want to know users values and their pain points so that we can redesign a responsive website with booking features.

What do we need to understand?

1. Understand what attracts users to specific sites
2. Identify what pages users interact with
3. Identify current pain points of users
4. Assess how users navigate through the current website

Secondary Research

Understand the market

Competitor Analysis

Research what the competitors strengths and weaknesses are

1-1 User Interviews

Gain an in-depth evaluation on users' goals, wants, needs, and frustrations

Research Findings

Secondary Research

- Yoga is a popular form of exercise.

- "Sweden's 8th most popular fitness methods, and was the primary fitness activity for 12% of its women and 2% of its men."(Undersökning, 2017).

- 5% of swedes state that they practice yoga (Geels, 2019).

- Around 11 yoga studios in Malmö, Sweden - not including gyms which offer yoga classes.

- Users are typically 25 - 50 years old

- Middle to High income households

- Around 40% of users have taken yoga classes before

- Around 70% already have gym memberships

-International community (offer classes in Swedish and English)

-Offer student/unemployed discounts

Competitor Analysis

Provisional Persona

1-1 User Interviews

Master Student:
24, Sweden

She always checks yoga studios websites before going to look for deals and to see the vibe of the studio. She prefers studios with either morning or night classes that don't fill up to quickly.

"I go to studios based on
word of mouth, pricing, and classes offered."

Design Student:
33, Hong Kong

She is a certified yoga instructor but currently not holding any classes. She always likes to look up information about what to bring to class and the teachers credentials beforehand.

"I am always trying new yoga studios. I think it's so important to know who is teaching the course and where they learned the practice."

28, United States

She likes to try new studios but doesn't like to feel judged about her abilities. She goes to find social connection and needs a calming environment.

"It [yoga] makes me feel good, I try to go to meet other people and get flexible. The class environment is my #1 reason for returning or not."

Peronnel Consultant:
29, Switzerland

She likes to see images of the studio and what equipment they offer before signing up for classes. Also, she likes the possibility to join classes online.

"I usually sign up for the "popular classes" so I like when those are shown on the website.

Business Goals, User Needs and Technological Restraints

Key Takeaways

- Users want calming and relaxing website with whitespace

- Users go to yoga to de-stress

- Most users want information on teachers and pricing

- Most users want to see images of the studio beforehand

- 3/4 are willing to pay more for a better experience

- 4/4 users were annoyed with existing websites inconsistent typeface, font and photo quality


Define the scope of the project and its information architecture.

User Persona

Information Architecture

Determine the navigation and informational flow on the website.

Site Map

User Flow

To show the booking flow along with setting up a membership and the decisions made along the way.

04. Ideate

I started thinking about the layout and design of the website.

Wireframe Sketches

I grabbed my pen and paper and started sketching ideas for the screens based on the user research.

Mid-Fi Wireframes

I started creating wireframes to focus on the layout and structure of the site.

UI Kit

I kept to Yoga Roots existing color palette but reworked the typography and layout of existing cards.

High Fidelity Wireframes

From my user flow and 1-1 interviews, I identified key moments in the user journey and focused my efforts on the screens that were most important in the booking process.

05. Testing & revisions

In order to check whether or not the screens work as intended, I set up a prototype in Figma and conducted usability testing to gain insight on the websites functionality.


I created an interactive high fidelity prototype in Figma to test the usability of the website.

Usability Test


1. Evaluate the usability of the website based on learnability, memorability, errors, and overall satisfaction
2. Observe how the navigation bar is used
3. Test whether people filter classes or try to use calendar view
4. Evaluate how participants feel using the website
5. Uncover opportunities to improve the user experience

Test subject

High fidelity prototype for Yoga Roots on desktop


1. You have just landed on the Yoga Roots homepage, you now want to scan the homepage to get a feel for the studio and then check out what classes they offer.  
2. After you’ve found a class you like, book a class and get a 2-week tryout card.


6 participants: aged 23-31 across Europe and North America


- 100% completion rate
- 98% error free rate
- 6/6 participants were able to book a class and sign up for the 2-week try out card

Key Takeaways

- Participants liked the logo and found the website easy to navigate
- Fix the booking flow if using price card page first
- Change some confusing wording


I used the data from the usability test (affinity map) to create a priority matrix in order to identify which revisions were high priority and focussed on those fixes first.

The main revisions which were feasible for the time constraint.

06. Next Steps

The goal of this project was to redesign an existing website that allowed users to find inflormation and book classes with ease.

Did I solve the problem?

Well I like to think so, I had a 100% completion rate and quotes from usability participants like...

"I love how big the images are!"
"It was very easy to navigate!"
"I would defintely go to this studio!"
"Super easy booking process, Im surprised at how little clicks it takes."
"All of the images are very cohesive andThe vibe is relaxing yet sophisticated."

If I had more time...

I would add various other pages

- Events page
- Teacher training
- Our story page

What I learned

Throughout this process, I learned a lot about working with smaller companies and restructuring an existing site. I implemented various user research strategies and designed with error prevention in mind. I also learned the importance of balancing user needs with business goals.

What I would do differently

Next time I will...

- usability test earlier on wireframes to get the flow down before designing
- spend less time making various different screens which won't be used in the user flow.